Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Beginnings

Tomorrow is the beginning of 2012.  I've begun prepping my kids that their teachers are going to ask them if they have a new year's resolution.  I realize that it's totally a guise to get them to talk to me about what they want out of their current lives.  My 9 year old resolves to do more chores and my 6 year old wants to play more Xbox.  I'm suspicious that they don't quite get it, but they could be fooling me. 

So many people tell me they don't make New Year's resolutions.  I do.  Every year.  I'm not afraid to put out there what it is I expect for the coming year.  It might not always work out as I envision, but I think it's good to create a plan. My resolution this year has to do with following through on my projects.  I enjoy starting projects.  This past week alone, I began to recover the bench at the end of my bed, put together drift wood to make a floor standing driftwood tree, repaint my mudroom, rearrange my family room, repaint my sunroom and put away my Christmas decorations.  I finished the mudroom(I'm obsessed with the color of butterscotch pudding right now) and the family room, but that is all.  So, I resolve to make 2012 the year I finish what I start.  I'm starting this blog to keep me on track and to let you all in on the adventures and misadventures along the journey.  And somewhere in the midst of all of it, I'm going to be the best mom I can be to Alex, Kyle and Cassidy.  It's my first step toward finding balance amongst the chaos of motherhood.